One of the most neglected groups in the community are widows and orphans. Currently, there are thousands of young widows and orphans and orphans in the community living in poor conditions, and lacking basic healthcare, food, and shelter. With the support of partners and friends we have empowered widows groups with small projects like poultry farming and cash crop farming. These projects have gone along way to promote their welfare and needs.
For orphans we finance there education and needs to help the learn and grow in good environments. Community volunteers and leaders help us in identifying families where children have been orphaned and identifying their most pressing needs. We then provided schorlaships and basic school provision to help the children to access education and to give them an opportunity to pursue a future they want.

our anti jigger’s campaign are a response of the plea from the community. In Kenya western Kenya is the region adversely affected by jiggers. Unfortunately, the community lack resources to find treatment, buy drugs and tools which can effectively fight jiggers.
The numbers are shocking in our visits, the prevalence rate of jiggers among students can is as high as 3 children in every 5 children are affected. We have the right expertise, tools and treatment to help combat this menace. Additionally we distribute shoes from well wishers to school going children to help protect them from jiggers.

Being an inmate is something devastating. Prison visits provide prisoners with an opportunity to preserve or develop connections with family, friends, community and social support networks. By encouraging, maintaining or strengthening such networks, these visits may provide protective mechanisms that function to prevent criminal relapse after release from prison. We endeavor to show support and encourage rehabilitation and change among inmate. Our Main goal is to show them hope and the light of Christ assuring them that there is still life after Prison.

Rescue missions have been life changing. We have seen children rescued from hunger, exploitation and oppression blossom and change under new care and the watch of agape missions’ team and the government.
Rescue missions are meant to identify dire cases in the society and through the relevant authorities seek a channel to help and support these children and the vulnerable. In most cases children are more vulnerable to abuse and are the victims of failed marriages, abusive families and poverty-stricken families. Identifying and helping these children is a key step to help save our society.