This Christmas, we decided to intentionally visit Kipchira village in Mt Elgon, where we treated children with jiggers and fed needy children. Why Mount Elgon? In 2005, there was a political war in Mt Elgon, which led to the displacement of many people and the loss of many lives, especially men. Today, the effect of this war can be seen in many families, which lack fathers and have lost their land.


Owing to its mountainous location, most of its parts are inaccessible, hence poor economic activities and access to healthcare services. This has led to alarming cases of jigger infestation, malaria cases, and school dropout issues. We tend to pour our hearts into such a community so that they can pick up and thrive despite their challenges.

We reached 60 kids, treated them, and gave shoes to about 20 children. John was our critical case for the day. What we gathered from the community mobilizers is that he came from very poor and harsh living conditions. Hence, he was affected by jiggers from a very early age. By the time we got to him, jiggers had affected him to the point where he couldn’t walk properly, communicate, socialize, or play well with his peers.

Our intention this time was also to feed the kids. We cooked doughnuts and soft drinks so that they could partake and experience an early Christmas.  We believe that all kids despite of the environment they were born in or the circumstance they are in now, deserve to be cared for, have equal opportunity, and Love this is the essence of Agape Mission of Mercy.

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Sheldon Osotsi

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